dry eye
Dry Eyes
This condition may have foreign body sensation, watery or dry eyes, blurred vision, and burning. It can be aggravated by smoke, wind, heat, low humidity, or prolonged use of the eye.
There are three parts/layers to your tears: (1) Oily outer layer, (2) Liquid central layer, (3) Mucus inner layer. Clogged glands can decrease the oily outer layer, causing the liquid layer to evaporate. This leaves the eye dry and irritated. Your reflexes kick in to improve the deficit but these secondary tears do not fix the problem, instead they run down your cheek. Checking your medications for causes of dryness and using artificial tears can help. Examples of medications that dry out your eye include allergy meds, hormone replacements, or acne meds.
When flying, pressurized cabins tend to have less moisture and oxygen in the air which makes eyes drier. Avoid wearing contact lenses during the flight or take some artificial tears or rewetting drops along for more moisture.
.Symptoms of dry eye can occur after LASIK, with women taking hormone replacement therapy, and with increasing age.
.Visine drops that indicate “redness relief” or “decreasing red eye” have a chemical that constricts blood vessels short-term and can dilate your pupil. This relief lasts a couple of hours but the vessels return to their original state, creating “rebound” redness. This does not solve the problem. See an eye doctor for treatment options whether over-the-counter relief or prescription.
For dry eye relief, we recommend the following vitamins:
Fish Oil / Flaxseed : 1000-2000mg/Day